Sommet 2024 TEST

Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience

32 heures de conférences EN ACCÈS ILLIMITÉ

L’événement en ligne incontournable sur le trauma
Plongez au cœur de la guérison et de la résilience

A new perspective on trauma, attachment wounds and their consequences

A more resilient and fulfilling life is possible! Discover innovative approaches and recent cutting-edge techniques to better understand and treat psychological trauma.

30 talks by internationally recognized experts.

32 hours of replays to watch at your own pace.

Transform your understanding of trauma and attachment theory

The Trauma, Attachment & Resilience Summit is a key event for professionals and the general public: it is the annual meeting place for the biggest names in trauma and attachment theory. This Summit is a deep dive into the latest advances and techniques for understanding, treating and transcending trauma.

  • Do you wonder about the deep nature of trauma and attachment, and how the two impact our lives?
  • Would you like to enrich your therapeutic skills to better support your patients/clients on their healing journey?
  • Are you seeking to transform the hardships you face into an opportunity to become more liberated, grounded and secure?
  • Are you looking for innovative approaches or holistic methods to treat trauma, such as IFS, TFP, RI, EMDR, AEDP, Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, trauma-sensitive mindfulness or self-compassion? *
  • Do you want to be part of a committed community that works towards greater understanding and better management of trauma?

If these questions resonate with you, then pick your Replay Pack and discover more than 32 hours of learning and personal and professional transformation!

* IFS: Internal Family Systems ; TPV: Polyvagal Theory; IR: Relational Intelligence; EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; AEDP: Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy.

“Hope lies in the knowledge that while our early experiences shape our nervous system, life experiences can reshape it.”

Deb dana

Trauma is an invisible prison
Talking about it is a societal issue

Discover and disseminate new treatment approaches to help victims speak out.

Since 2022, our Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience Summits have brought together over 140,000 participants, attesting to the importance given to these topics. Trauma, often perceived as an individual issue, is in fact a profound societal challenge that affects each and every one of us, directly or indirectly.

Our objective is to shed light on trauma, to demystify it and to address its many facets with kindness and expertise. At these Summits, professionals and the general public come together to explore, learn and share strategies for coping with, understanding and transforming trauma.

Grâce à ces 30 conférences, vous allez :

  • Leave with a deeper understanding of trauma, its origins and its impacts on the individual and society.
  • Strengthen your resilience for yourself and to help others, by discovering practices that promote well-being and healing in your daily life or in your therapeutic work.
  • Discover effective strategies for addressing and treating trauma, using techniques such as IFS, PVT, RI, SE and EMDR.
  • Learn to identify and alleviate the symptoms of trauma in your patients or in yourself, thus contributing to a more effective healing process.
  • Equip yourself to raise awareness and educate those around you about the importance of recognizing and treating trauma.
  • Have the resources and knowledge that will enrich your therapeutic practice or your personal understanding of trauma and attachment.
  • Have the keys to transform traumatic experiences into opportunities for growth and development.

For professionals and the general public alike

A positive atmosphere and material to deepen your knowledge or tap into your potential: the Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience Summit is accessible to all!

Healthcare and helping professionals

looking to enrich their own practice and provide better care for traumatized people: doctors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, educators, alternative or energy medicine therapists, coaches, yoga teachers, meditation teachers, educators, social workers, emergency shelters, associations, etc.

The general public

interested in psychology, and more specifically in the issues of trauma, attachment theory and resilience.

Private individuals

suffering from trauma, attachment disorders, generalized anxiety or other symptoms with traumatic origins, seeking keys to a better understanding of their experience and ways to heal and to transcend traumatic events.

Professionnels, enrichissez votre pratique thérapeutique
avec des approches et des connaissances innovantes.
Passionnés, développez votre compréhension
du trauma psychique et de ses conséquences.

The 30 talks

L'enfermement de la survie traumatique. Soumission & pacification comme stratégie de survie.
Linda Thai
Rupture et réparation : Comment la Théorie Polyvagale nous aide à guérir les traumatismes relationnels.
Deb Dana
Recâbler notre système de défense : Entraîner le corps, l'esprit et le coeur à recevoir plutôt qu'à défendre comme chemin de guérison
Deirdre Fay
Jean-Michel Gurret et Florence Bernard en conversation : parler du trauma, un enjeu de santé publique.
Jean-Michel Gurret
Comprendre et traiter le trouble dissociatif de l'identité (TDI).
Kathy Steele
Adaptations et suradaptations pour survivre aux Traumas psychiques.
Ruth Lanius
Automutilation et traumatismes : comprendre ce comportement comme une addiction.
Janina Fisher
Dissociation et Pleine Conscience : Adopter des pratiques trauma-informées pour sortir de la dissociation.
Christine Forner
Sortir du sentiment de solitude et guérir les blessures d'attachement avec l'AEDP.
Diana Fosha
L’engagement thérapeutique conscient : une clef pour le traitement de la dissociation traumatique.
François le Doze
Les fardeaux hérités : Guérir les traumas collectifs, culturels et transgénérationnels avec l'IFS.
Richard Schwartz
Le pouvoir de guérison de l'amour : le rôle de l'ocytocine.
Sue Carter
Guérir les traumatismes intergénérationnels grâce à la relation parent-enfant.
Dafna Lender
Le Trauma racial et le chemin vers la guérison de nos cœurs et de nos corps.
Resmaa Menakem
Notre monde polyvagal : le sentiment de sécurité nous transforme autant que les traumas que nous subissons.
Stephen Porges & Seth Porges
Les chemins de la guérison - quand le sacré rencontre la science.
Lissa Rankin
Beaucoup trop de rien : Le trauma invisible de la négligence dans l'enfance.
Ruth Cohn
Le deuil traumatique. Comprendre et accompagner ceux qui restent.
Pascale Brillon
La force de l'interconnectivité pour faire face aux traumas collectifs actuels. De l'isolement à l'intraconnection.
Dan Siegel
Le potentiel thérapeutique des psychédéliques tels que la MDMA dans le traitement du syndrome de stress post-traumatique et de la dissociation.
Bessel van der Kolk
L'impact traumatique de la trahison : Comment l'oubli et la dissociation protègent l'attachement à un parent maltraitant.
François Louboff
Repenser la thérapie au prisme des spécificités culturelles en Afrique et en Europe auprès des populations de migrants.
Anne Dewailly & Robert Muzuri Rugoheza
La psychothérapie sensorimotrice : le rôle essentiel et vibrant du corps dans la guérison.
Pat Ogden
Humanual® : Comment le traumatisme affecte notre maintien, notre posture et notre respiration.
Betsy Polatin
La susceptibilité différentielle et l'approche biopsychosociale pour comprendre la résilience face aux traumas.
Reshie Joseph
La guérison par le rythme : Le pouvoir de transformation de la musique polyvagale.
Anthony Gorry & Stephen W. Porges
Favoriser la relation à Soi et la guérison par la conscience incarnée.
Licia Sky
L'Autocompassion féroce (fierce Self-compassion) : une force bienveillante qui peut être utilisée pour nous guérir et guérir le monde.
Kristin Neff
Une autobiographie du trauma : une vie consacrée au traitement et à la guérison du trauma.
Peter Levine
Carences affectives de l’enfance et violence dans un monde qui s’écroule.
Boris Cyrulnik

Discover advanced trauma treatment techniques from the biggest names in psychology, health and well-being.

“Trauma is perhaps the most avoided, ignored, denied,
misunderstood and untreated source of human suffering.”

Peter levine

The best summit on trauma!
41,219 took part in the 2024 edition

“I admired your work, your seriousness, your kindness, your intelligence, now I admire you with joy, friendship and beauty of heart. Thank you 🙏💓🌼”


“Very interesting talk, great ability to present the theory while explaining it extremely well. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.”


“What a joy your summit is, what immense gratitude to be able to attend. I am amazed to see how many people are working on this subject and sharing all their discoveries. They enable me to love myself more and more, because at last I understand my behavior and feelings. I bless your commitment, which fills me with joy and hope.”


“This summit is truly a wonderful resource for all professionals who wish to draw on and disseminate these contributions, which are very rarely used in France!! Thank you so much for sharing this wealth and the momentum you pass on to us!!”


“Thank you for making this summit possible, for choosing such high-quality speakers, and for making them accessible to French speakers thanks to equally high-quality professional translators. This was my first time attending. I am absolutely delighted to have discovered this summit. I felt right at home.”


“A big THANK YOU 🙏. Thank you to the guests for the quality of their contributions and their desire to share their approach 😊. Thank you to Florence Bernard for hosting the conferences and choosing her questions to help us understand better 😊. And thank you to Quantum Way for making these conferences accessible to us, with the added bonus of a French translation 😉.”

Dom Toum

“As a human being and therapist, this summit has given me a lot of guidance and enlightenment on the multiple aspects of trauma and on the existence of a range of therapeutic techniques and methods, all of them interesting and relevant. I would like to thank QW very much for organizing this summit and making it accessible. A big thank you to Florence and to the whole team and all the speakers.”

Cabinet Médical La Tulipe

“Braaaaaaaaaaaavoooooooooooooooooooo to the whole team, a top-notch synergy during these 10 days to open our hearts, mend us, rejoice in being alive and on the path to the best of ourselves, to listen to the world and others with more kindness and respect for ourselves and others. Long live self-compassion and compassion for the LIVING.


“A big thank you to the team for all the energy you put in, with such dedication, to share all these gems with us, with speakers of the highest quality. THANK YOU!!! And have a good rest!”


“Magnificent experience at this summit on resilience. Many thanks to the whole team for your dedication and sharing of innovative therapies that strengthen my professional practice and my passion for human beings, who always have the resources to fight if they are helped.”


“Thanks to the whole QW team for this wonderful summit! Thanks to Florence for your presence and your very enjoyable presentation! Thanks to all the guests! It was very touching and inspiring to listen to you! I’m already looking forward to seeing you again next year! Thanks for everything!”


“The Quantum Way summit is like a treasure chest with so many riches inside, so many nuggets to rediscover.”


The Summit Replay Pack

€100.00 instead of €297.00
Unlimited lifetime access to all the talks
In English and in French
Money back guarantee*
A dedicated Facebook group where you can ask questions and interact with the community
Downloadable audio versions


Are the Replay Packs in English?
How can I access the contents of the Unlimited Pack after purchase?

After purchase, you will receive instructions by e-mail on how to access the contents of the Unlimited Pack on our e-learning platform: it’s very simple.

Is there a money-back guarantee for the Replay Packs?
Can I pay in instalments?

Yes, you can pay in instalments with Paypal or Klarna.

Is there a discussion or support group for people who have purchased the Replay Packs?

Yes, when you buy a Replay Pack, you have access to a dedicated Facebook group where you can ask questions and chat with the community.

How can I get help if I have technical problems with a Replay Pack?

Our mission

At Quantum Way, we are therapists first and foremost, all trained in our respective specialties in attachment issues and trauma treatment.

Talking about attachment and trauma in the open, without taboos and with kindness and compassion, in an online conference, accessible free of charge, can help people suffering from the symptoms of trauma understand that what they are experiencing is the result of what happened to them: trauma, neglect, violence, shock… experienced in early childhood, in adulthood, inherited from their elders or experienced on the scale of the community, of society as a whole.

The Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience online summit aims to give healthcare professionals and people in all helping professions the keys to spotting and taking care of the signs of suffering in children or adults they encounter in their practice. We aim to shed new light on trauma, attachment wounds and their consequences for everyone, using a wide range of approaches and techniques such as Mindfulness, IFS, Polyvagal theory, EMDR, EFT, IR…

The Quantum Way team

Florence Bernard
Co-creator of the Summit and live facilitatot

As a therapist constantly on the lookout for new approaches and new ways of understanding my clients and the world in which I evolve, it was natural for me to join the Quantum Way project and create this Summit. I host it with passion and emotion every year.
Liz Carey Libbrecht
Co-founder of Quantum way & Co-creator of the Summit

Mindfulness teacher, therapist, translator. Quantum Way was born of my personal journey and my desire to share. This summit is profoundly meaningful, encapsulating the journey from surviving to thriving: healing, evolving, understanding, learning, transmitting...
Marc Maouad
Co-creator of the Summit and film director

As a writer, director and lover of all things human, I offer a different perspective on the subjects addressed by Quantum Way, and bring my personal touch to everything to do with sound and image.
Jean-Michel Gurret
Co-founder of Quantum Way and live facilitator

As a psychotherapist and pioneer of energy psychology and Clinical EFT training in the French-speaking world, I am committed to promoting the most effective methods for treating trauma.

Find the keys to a more resilient and fulfilled life.


Have you already purchased the Trauma, Attachment & Resilience Summit 2024 Replay Pack?

To access your Discovery Pack or your Unlimited Pack, please log in to your Quantum Way e-learning account:

Your username is the e-mail address you entered when you made your purchase.


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