For the last 30 years, I’ve been on a mission to help survivors of trauma and those who are trusted to help them.
My approach takes the intensity out of trauma treatment and replaces it with a method that is gentle and accessible, decreasing avoidance and resistance.
The TIST (Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment) method has helped many clients, but the world has become even more traumatic. More treatment-resistant conditions — such as suicidal, self-harming, eating disordered, and addiction behaviors — are showing up in every therapist’s office.
When clients get stuck trying to protect themselves from more pain, and their therapists don’t have other modalities to help them, everyone is left feeling helpless and ineffective.
TIST changes all that.
With TIST, we focus on helping clients feel more connected, accepting, and self-compassionate.
My method focuses on treating the effects of traumatic events, as opposed to treating the event itself, and on managing unsafe and addictive impulses as trauma-driven behaviors rather than manipulative and attention-seeking ones.
We show clients how to use mindful observation to develop a relationship with their feelings, their impulses, and their traumatized parts.
TIST makes therapy much less threatening to the client.
And much more doable for the therapist.
TIST is informed by concepts and techniques from sensory-motor psychotherapy, IFS, and clinical hypnotherapy. The process is more gentle and requires less of clients, and the response has been extremely positive.
In this training, you will learn exactly how trauma drives survival responses that re-create the felt sense that they are still in it, leading to impulsive attempts to fight or flee.
TIST provides an easier and more effective way of working with any clients who still suffer from these and other effects of trauma. Best of all, TIST also prevents burnout by decreasing the stress on YOU to “save the day.”
I am truly inspired by how hard therapists work and how much they put themselves on the line to help their clients. If you want to learn how to treat the clients at the highest risk, the clients most demanding to take on, or those you may have felt ill-equipped to handle, join me in learning this unique and effective method.
Before You Begin
Navigating the Program
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- The “Return to Dashboard” link at the top of the page will take you to your student dashboard, where you can access all Quantum Way programs you are already enrolled in.
- The percentage indicates your progress in this program.
- The search bar 🔎 allows you to search for a lesson by its title.
📓 Keeping a Journal
Keeping a journal is an effective way to deepen your understanding of new material and integrate it into your daily life or professional practice. We encourage you to note down important things you have learned in your journal.
You can also share your journal entries in the Facebook group 🖥️.
Your journal can take any form you prefer: a pen and paper, a Word document, or a note-taking software. Reflect on your experience and write down your thoughts as you progress through the program.
🎓 Certificate
A certificate will be issued once you have validated all the videos. To validate a video, click on “NEXT” or “SUIVANT.”
👋 Additional Assistance
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