

Psychothérapeute somatique de renom qui identifie et soigne les causes profondes des souffrances.



Annie Brook est docteure en psychologie périnatale et somatique, sexualité humaine et développement, psychothérapeute agréée, certifiée en éducation somatique (ISMETA) et enseignante en Body-Mind Centering. Thérapeute hautement estimée dans la communauté somatique, elle propose une approche unique, axée sur l’expérience, qui garantit des résultats durables.
Annie possède une compréhension approfondie des dynamiques familiales, du développement humain et de la santé. Spécialisée dans les situations complexes, Annie accompagne les enfants victimes d’abus, les enfants adoptés et leurs familles, ainsi que les jeunes confrontés à la violence des gangs.

Pendant 17 ans, elle a travaillé dans des écoles publiques, des hôpitaux pour enfants à Oakland et Seattle, dirigé le programme de psychothérapie somatique de l’Université de Naropa, et cofondé la clinique Colorado Therapies.

En 2001, Annie a fondé le Brook Institute for Somatic Studies and Psychotherapy, où elle enseigne et forme des thérapeutes. Elle combine la psychothérapie, les neurosciences sensorimotrices et cognitives, la thérapie par le jeu, l’attachement précoce, le Body-Mind Centering, les approches crâniosacrées, l’éducation par le toucher et le mouvement, ainsi que la thérapie périnatale.
Elle aide adultes et enfants à revisiter les premières empreintes de la vie, libérant les impacts laissés par la naissance et la petite enfance sur leur système nerveux. Cette approche novatrice permet de dissoudre les racines des traumatismes et de transformer durablement les trajectoires de vie.

Annie Brook, Ph.D, LPC, MSME (ISMETA), Body-Mind Centering teacher, is a therapist in high regard in the Somatic community. Her unique experiential approach gets lasting results.

Annie understands families, development, and health, and has learned to help those in the most difficult situations, such as abused foster children, adopted children and their families, and gang youth.

For 17 years she has worked as…
a therapist in public schools, Children’s Hospital Child Trauma centers in Oakland and Seattle, former Director of Body Psychotherapy, MA Somatic Program, at Naropa University, and co-founded the clinic Colorado Therapies.

Annie founded the Brook Institute for Somatic Studies and Psychotherapy in 2001 and trains therapists as well as offers classes. She blends psychotherapy, sensory-motor neuroscience/cognition, play therapy, early bonding attachment, Body-Mind Centering, cranial sacral, touch/movement education, and perinatal therapy to offer lasting results.
Annie’s speciality is helping adults and children get to the roots of difficult behaviors by helping them to go back to the first impressions of life; unwinding the impacts of birth and post birth on their nervous system. Doing so allows a fresh approach and releases the roots of trauma.

Depth psychotherapist: Exquisitely trained somatic therapist, helps discover and repair the true root of issues.
Author: somatic books on birth trauma, adoption, attachment, relationships and more!
Conference Presenter & Public Speaker: International and national conference presenter, over 4 decades experience
Educator for professional therapists: psychotherapy, family therapy, play therapy, couples therapy, infant development, movement educators/artists.
Consultant for family owned businesses
Personal: Annie has also worked in the real world. She built a log cabin in Maine, was a stoneware potter in Scotland, worked on a cattle ranch in Wyoming, and on commercial fishing boats in Alaska and Cape Cod to pay for her education. Along with her love for clinical psychotherapy work, Annie possesses a spirit of adventure. Her joie de vivre is palpable and a pleasure to be around.
Currently Annie spends a majority of her time in Boulder, Colorado and is still actively publishing, speaking, and teaching others about the benefits of Somatic Practice. In her free time Annie loves nature time, painting, movement performance art, and songwriting.

Annie is trained in many cross disciplines, which is why her methods are so effective. She has complemented her formal education with certifications and training in movement, manual therapies, art, vocal studies, equine therapy, and developmental psychology.

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